William DeJaun Tull was born on the 10th of May in 1981 to William and Rovenia Tull. The second of three children, DeJaun attended Bermuda Institute from Kindergarten through Grade 12, becoming a graduate in the year 2000. This school would become the impetus for his ministry, the answers to his marital prayers, and an evangelical extension of his pulpit.
At an early age, others sensed DeJaun’s call to ministry; however, his passion lay elsewhere. As a young teenager, if you asked what he wanted to do in life, he would have responded, “I want to be an American football player.”
But God had other plans for his life. These plans would commence while Tull was enrolled in the eleventh grade at Bermuda Institute. Although hesitant, unforeseen circumstances led DeJaun to preach for a Bermuda Institute Day. This sermon would not just challenge the seventeen-year-old teenager to script his first message but would challenge the course of his life. It was at this time that he acknowledged and accepted the call to the ministry.
Upon graduating from Bermuda Institute, he attended Oakwood University in Huntsville, Alabama, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Theology in May 2004. In 2005 he attended Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan, where in 2008, he would receive a Masters’ Degree in Divinity with an Emphasis in Church Growth and Evangelism. While at Andrews, DeJaun led and organized his fellow theology students to conduct a Contemporary Evangelistic series, “Escaping the Matrix,” where he baptized souls for Christ.
Evangelism outside of the pulpit has helped to expand Tull’s ministry in a big way. Having served as the Youth Pastor for the Inner City youth of Benton Harbour, Michigan, in 2006-2007 and as Youth Director for teens in the Bermuda Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in 2008-2010, his service would segue into his call to evangelize Bermuda’s youth. Returning to his alma mater, Pastor Tull, for 6 years, volunteered his time teaching the same grade level where he answered his call just 15 years ago. His practical methods heighten his lectures. He challenged his students to create youth services to recruit prodigal youth back to God. He has invited other Religions into the classroom to encourage his students to defend both his students and guests’ personal beliefs. His classroom was known to be lively as students engage in critical thinking. He did all of this, while serving as full time Pastor and at that time holding the post of Youth Director then Sabbath School Director for the Bermuda Conference.
Bermuda Institute would not just provide DeJaun with his call to ministry, but his helpmate as well. A man of much faith, he prayed for the Lord to give him the right woman as he pursued the ministry. Little did he know that the woman the Lord would provide, would be one of his best friends from high school, LaToya Jarrett, now, the seventh grade teacher at Bermuda Institute. From their union would derive three children, Yasmine, Sariah and Josiah.
Pastor Tull has grown to really love the Lord and is in full surrender to His will. His motto is: “Where You lead, I will follow.” Like Jesus, he prays, “Not my will but Your will be done.” One such surrender prepared him to organize, with his church, a number of evangelistic series’ (Days of Elijah, Solved Mystery, and Come Out of Babylon). The series being so acclaimed that the messages were later broadcasted along the airwaves of Bermuda’s Cable Visions Channel 80 and has caused gang members, Youth, Young and Old to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
On September 28th, 2014, Pastor DeJaun Tull was elected to serve as Executive Secretary of the Bermuda Conference, again in September 30, 2018 and again September 25, 2022. As of January 3, 2015 he serves as Pastor of the church of his upbringing the Southampton Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Ultimately Pastor DeJaun Tull wants to share Gods truth and the good news of His Kingdom: “JESUS SAVES”.